

Join Now


Welcome to AWC!  To finish, please go to the top of the website and click on the shopping cart icon at the far right to make your payment.  Thanks!

Individual Membership Benefits

  • Periodic E-Newsletter sent to your inbox with opportunities, workshops, and local literary events

  • Opportunity to promote your work and learn from others at Annual Alabama Writers’ Conference and Book Fair

  • Reduced contest fees and conference registration fees

  • Networking within the writing community and online calendar

  • Free listing on the AWC web page

  • Assistance with local readings and networking in publishing

  • Support and sharing of your literary events with state

  • Encouragement and community

Individual Membership

Organization or Institutional Membership

Organizational and Institutional Membership Benefits

  • A great opportunity for local publishers and small presses

  • Periodic E-Newsletter sent to your inbox with opportunities, workshops, and local literary events

  • Free tables at Annual Alabama Writers’ Conference

  • Promotion of your events and opportunties among AWC network

  • Reduced contest fees and conference registration fees

  • Networking within the writing community and online calendar

  • Free listing on the AWC web page

  • Assistance with local readings and networking in publishing

  • Partnering with other local groups in sponsoring festivals and events

  • Table presence at Magic City Poetry Festival

  • Publicity through social media

Make a Donation

  • If you would like to make a donation to the AWC, please click the “Donate” icon below.


Welcome to AWC!  To finish, please go to the top of the website and click on the shopping cart icon at the far right to make your payment.  Thanks!

You may also mail in your membership form and dues. 
Download Printable Membership Form

Mail AWC membership check to:
Brad Gallier,
3855 Highland St.
Gulf Shores, AL 36542

As a nonprofit, AWC does not take political or partisan positions. Many of our members, however, write from particular places of interest, ethics, or perspective. We are proud to represent a diverse literary community. Non-administrative content on this website does not reflect the positions of AWC as an organization.